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The Real Ghost Stories

My Haunted Life 

Night Attacks 

I started to really believe that there was an entity in my house this summer when my aunt came over

Being the religious woman she is, she would never admit to believing in that type of stuff, especially letting it scare her

But this time it was different

I don't really know all the details but I do remember it happened on a saturday because she had come to visit from New York for three days and she was leaving on a sunday. I remember passing by the living room and seeing her crying with my mother by her side

I didn't stop to listen or to ask anything because at the time my gut instinct, as I passed by, just told me not to

The next day after my mother and I had dropped her off at south station in boston mass, as we were driving back home and got stuck in traffic, my mother turned to me with teary eyes and gasped and said "jenny, your aunt saw him", the hairs rose on my arms

I knew who she was talking about, it was him, the one we had never seen but felt, the foot steps on the stairs that stopped in front of my room, it was him whom years ago, a dog we had been taking care of, also sensed, and would not leave the front of my door and stayed up all night howling at nothing. My mom said that my aunt told her that he wasn't good, that he fed off me

Previously, for like 6 months straight, I had become severely ill

My mom and dad and bro are witness to this

Every night at 12:30 or 3:19 I would wake up suffocating

The episodes would last a good minute to the point where I would turn extremely purple

The doctors could not diagnosed it, after some time they just stopped

I had never before related it to that

I had always try to shut it off hoping that that eerie premonition feeling would go away. After that day my mother and I did everything imaginable, we burned incense, we sprayed holy water

Now that we remodeled most of the house, we haven't felt much

But now something else happens, something that hasn't happened since I was little, now as my grandparents who share a floor with me tell me, I scream in my dreams, but the thing is when I wake up I never remember. 
